Sunday, August 16, 2015


Drink: Mint Julep
Entree: Kentucky Hot Brown Sliders
Atmosphere: Roses for a Derby feel.
Timing: Kentucky Derby Weekend

SPOILER ALERT: The horse does not die at the end of the movie so animal lovers are good to go.
Interesting true story of down & out strangers brought together during The Depression by a horse that was assumed to be equally broken due to life's extenuating circumstances.  The pre-Spiderman Tobey McGuire does a thorough job playing the jockey.  Jeff Bridges also registers a solid performance pre-Crazy Heart to match the overall light tone of the flick.  Elizabeth Banks makes appearance but her character as the owner's supporting wife does not make a big impression.

Mel's Rating: 87%
On a scale of 100.

Brett's Rating: ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️
On a scale of ten.

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