Monday, December 14, 2015



Image result for vertigo use of green

Drink: Anchorsteam Beer
Entrée: Frisco Melts
Dessert: Ghiradelli Chocolates
Picture: From our trip to San Francisco in 2011.  The top photo is of Golden Gate Bridge & the bottom photo is in Muir Woods.

Vertigo is packed with foreshadowing, symbolism & dual meanings which makes it an artistically interesting film.  However the plot is not strong enough to hold its own against all of these elements.  In fact the story reaches it's height well before the end of the movie but Hitchcock's heavy artistic point of view endures throughout.  Below are themes to watch out for to enhance your viewing experience:

  • The usage of green in almost every scene from furniture, clothes to lighting.  The color itself represents birth & death.
  • Tunnels & corridors symbolize the passage to the other side.
  • The nosegay tells us that Judy will never be as good as Madeline. 

Mel's Rating: 78%
On a scale of 100.

Brett's Rating: ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️
On a sale of 10.

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