Monday, February 22, 2016

To Kill A Mockingbird

Image result for to kill a mockingbird movie box

Appetizer: Alabama Firecrackers
Entrée: White BBQ Chicken
Side: Black Eyed Pea Succotash
Timing: Harper Lee passed away.

Watching Jem & Scout's discovery of how society in the deep South really functioned was all encompassing.  It is especially interesting considering Harper Lee grew up in a small Alabama town herself & her father, a lawyer, once defended two black men on charges of murdering a white store clerk.  With that said it comes to no surprise that To Kill a Mockingbird rings true because it is based on real experiences.  The parallels & honesty of the film still shine & eerily foreshadow events to come post 1962.  In the film we see that rabid dogs are treated the same as innocent black citizens.  Then a few years later during Civil Rights protest in the heart of Alabama dogs are used as "crowd control" on black citizens.  Additionally in the film we see the children, the new generation, questioning a society that simply does not make sense.  Then in real world events the Baby Boomers become the ultimate questioners of authority as they transform into young adults in the 60's.  The film did a great job of tackling all of this material until Boo Radley.  His character & how it ties in with the story was not developed so when he briefly appeared at the end as an old man it simply did not fit.

Mel's Rating: 76%
On a scale of 100.

Brett's Rating: ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️
On a scale of 10.

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