Monday, June 6, 2016

Close Encounters of The Third Kind

Entree: Cornbread muffins (shaped like stars) topped with mashed potatoes, gravy & fried chicken.
Dessert: Milky Ways
Timing: Visiting Powell Observatory

The promotional posters for this movie are better than the movie itself which is sad because it had so much potential.  For example:
  1. It was made in the 70's.
  2. The subject matter was aliens.
  3. It was directed by Steven Spielberg.
How can you go wrong?  Well the plot was underdeveloped. For instance what happened to the family that Roy left high & dry?  Also it was so cliche that the aliens represented a, "we come in peace," utopia.  Additional cheese factors include but by no means are limited to:
  1. The aliens resembled a human form.  Look around, life can take on any form.
  2. The aliens bothered to contact us when space is infinite.
  3. The main encounter consisted of exchanging trombone melodies when in real life we'd try to blow each other up.
In conclusion, yeah it's a sci-fi film but we sci-fi fans should not be so desperate for relative material that we let just anyone into the club.

Mel's Rating: 66%
On a scale of 100.

Brett's Rating: ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️
On a scale of 10.

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