Monday, March 28, 2016

2001: A Space Odyssey

Drink: Space Dust IPA
Entrée: Rocket Dogs
Dessert: Galaxy Bark

Don't adjust your TV this movie is just that weird.  Packed full of meaning that can be twisted in any which way 2,001 times we board a journey that explores origins, time travel & artificial intelligence.  Look for Kubrick's trademark panning one shot close ups & consider the following while on this wild ride that is 2001:

  • These special effects were created in 1968.
  • The score is famous & has been covered by many jam bands such as Phish.
  • We did not walk on the moon until the following year & Kubrick is already envisioning living in space.
  • The actual year of 2001 did not turn out like this at would have to be more like 3001.

Mel's Rating: 96%
On a scale of 100.

Brett's Rating: ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️
On a scale of 10.

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