Monday, March 21, 2016


Entrée: Curry Chicken, Rice & Lentil Beans
Dessert: Baklava
Timing: Easter

To say this is a long movie is an understatement & as many times with movies of this length they inevitably become segmented.  Maybe it's an early example of bad time management or big studio ego?  Regardless the first half is expertly executed & shows us a rags to riches story as a result of Roman occupation.  The chariot race does live up to all the hype with sweeping well thought out views of the action from every angle.  Also it is worth noting how Esther played by Hara Harareet is able to gracefully hold her ground along side the majestic the Charlton Heston.  Despite all of this the quality of the last portion of the film is choppy.  The story of Jesus' life serves as a side note throughout the film however towards the end it's jutted to the forefront & feels forced. 

Mel's Rating: 80%
On a scale of 100.

Brett's Rating:Part 1 gets an 8.  Part 2 gets a 2.
On a scale of 10.

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