Monday, May 2, 2016

L.A. Confidential

Drink: Irish Coffee
Entree: Bacon, Egg & Cheese Sandwiches

L.A. Confidential gives us a gritty glimpse at police corruption, old Hollywood & organized crime in the otherwise squeaky clean sock hop 1950's.  Though the film feels campy at times it based on a solid story so make sure to follow it until the end to see what all the hype is about.  Additionally keep in mind when this premiered in theaters...1997.  This is after the world was exposed to LAPD's handling of Rodney King, the riots & the O.J. trial so to say the least public trust in their credibility was at an all time low which is a main element of the film's plot...based in the 50's.  With that said in a round about way it shows us how the corruption that ran L.A. for so long finally brewed over in the 90's.

Mel's Rating: 76%
On a scale of 100.   

Brett's Rating: ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️
On a scale of 10.

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