Monday, May 23, 2016

American Sniper

Timing: Memorial Day

This is a very sad true story of one of our bravest U.S. Navy SEALS.  I was surprised to hear that many people were embittered by how this film ends but just as in real life the conclusion is not always ideal & clean cut.

As for the movie itself Bradley Cooper did an O.K. job however his Texas accent needs work.  The remainder of the acting was average but where the film really lacked was a cohesive screen play.  For example the article I read in the New Yorker prior to watching this film was better than the film.  With that said the lack of a screen play has many consequences to movie making such as...

  • Character Development - Despite the fact that this is a deeply moving story there is no connection formed with the characters.  I don't think the source of this issue is due to casting or acting.  Everyone seemed to have done what was asked of them so that leaves me to think that it is just not good writing.
  • Plot - One reason this is an interesting story is because it is about something that is going on in our world as we speak, something unfiltered because it is too current, unchartted territory that has not yet been granted 20/20 hindsight. Therefore precision & details such as dates & locations are key.  In this case Clint really should have taken some points from Homeland. This series does an earrily good job on covering current events.
  • Hollywood Touches - 
    • Special Effects - A slow motion bullet is not necessary neither is a fake baby. And since we are watching this in HD the prosthetic baby bump needs a touch up. Also the CGI needs to look like it is from 2014 & not a PS3.
    • Some will see this as a little ruthless but you get a sense that there is an underlying agenda of gun control. Otherwise why was left wing Hollywood so excited about a film that honors a fallen soldier & is really was not that great? 
By far the most touching part of the film is when they used actual footage from the funeral procession.  Perhaps more of the actual footage was needed or maybe at least shoot it in a documentary style which generally allows for choppier screen plays.  Regardless it is a nice tribute & as they say it is the thought that counts. However in order to really do the story justice a quality film still needs to be made.

Mel's Rating: 69%
On a scale of 100.

Brett's Rating: ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️
On a scale of 10.

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