Monday, January 9, 2017

Malcolm X

Image result for malcolm x movie

Only after I watched this movie did I realize how much I did not know about Malcolm X, which is a shame.  It became clear to me that we are not taught his story because it is too true to real life, in the sense that it includes more tragedy than victory.  In other words, too many times we have shied away from his story because it makes people uncomfortable but not telling it is a disrespect in itself.  Simply put he was soul the world was not ready for and refused to accept.

The system tried to take away his identity but each time his remarkable defiance led him to overcome the odds.  As a child, he hoped to be a lawyer but was told that was not a suitable position for someone of color.  Instead society had another plan for him, which included a string of menial and degrading jobs.  He was essentially taught by the system that this was the only foreseeable future for him and so he rebelled into a life of crime.  The system was then was all too happy to incarcerate him. However, what the system did not plan on was the spiritual awakening Malcolm experienced while in prison, which led him to his purpose in life.

As for the film itself it seemed a little segmented. This may be due to the length but the story of this man has many layers & therefore it is a huge accomplishment to narrow it down to one movie.  These days this could easily make for an entire series but that concept did not exist when the film was made in the early 90's.

Mel's Rating: 89%
On a scale of 100.

Brett's Rating: ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️
On a scale of 10.

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